COVID-19 is a coronavirus outbreak that has recently become a worldwide pandemic. The disease is quick to develop, with symptoms including mild to severe respiratory illness, cough and fever, and it can often be confused with flu symptoms.
After hearing that the disease has been quick to spread across the nation, Union sent an email out to its students ensuring that there are no current cases that have been confirmed on the campus.
The Union community is working together to ensure the health and safety of all its students and employees. Currently, the university is evaluating future trips for students that involve international travel, refining preparedness plans and following the prevention measures that are advised by the CDC.
“Union University holds the health and safety of our campus community as a top priority,” said Brian Carrier, Vice President for Student Life. “We want to ensure that all of our community members have access to information about the evolving novel coronavirus.”
Both Carrier and Paul Mayer, Director of Health Services, are working together alongside the Health Department and CDC to monitor the situation in order to keep students informed during this time.
“The [email] update was sent in the interest of keeping the community informed, educating the community about prevention and ensuring that the community knows that we’re being proactive,” said Carrier. “We are taking this global event very seriously.”
Mayer guarantees that the university is being proactive when it comes to prevention of the disease.
“Students should be practicing excellent hand washing and/or hand sanitizing, and we should be checking out the CDC website for the latest updates,” said Carrier and Mayer. “Please do not rely solely on social media for accurate information concerning COVID-19.”
Carrier shared some of the recommendations for prevention of this disease, including:
- Frequent hand washing with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands
- Avoid contact with people who are sick and stay home when you are sick
- Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, and then dispose of the tissue in the trash
- Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces
If you have additional questions, please contact Paul Mayer, Director for Health Services, at 731-661-5284 or clinic@uu.edu or Dr. Bryan Carrier, Vice President for Student Life, at 731-661-5090 or bcarrier@uu.edu.