We all have our favorite television and movie couples. We hope our own romantic relationships will resemble these one day. Hollywood gives us a variety of couples to choose from, from Tony Stark and Pepper Potts in the Marvel franchise to Lucy and Ricky Ricardo in “I Love Lucy” and many others in between.
Over the years, the portrayal of love in film and television has changed. Back when “I Love Lucy” was on air, Lucy and Ricky didn’t even sleep in the same bed. Now, living together before marriage is commonplace, and in some cases, we’re shown a lack of exclusivity altogether. In my opinion, Hollywood tries to glamorize and dramatize love as much as possible, which makes sense considering how effectively it attracts viewers.
I’m not saying that it isn’t nice to watch movies and TV shows and wish that your romantic relationship could be like that of the couples portrayed. However, I do think that Christians should make sure they are admiring couples that are consistent with their morals.
The TV couple that I admire the most is Rob and Laura Petrie from “The Dick Van Dyke Show.” This comedy aired from 1961 to 1966, around the time of “I Love Lucy.”
I’ve been a huge fan of “The Dick Van Dyke Show” for a while, and I’ve watched the majority of the episodes multiple times. It’s a show that I love to watch when I just want to be happy and relax. As often as I’ve watched it and as much as I love it, it just occurred to me recently that I want my future relationship to be like that of Rob and Laura.
They met in storybook fashion. Rob was a sergeant in the army, and Laura was a dancer in a USO show. When they first met, Laura wanted nothing to do with Rob. However, Rob was persistent, and the two fell madly in love.
Throughout the whole show, they never lose the romance of their relationship. It’s obvious that each one is the other’s best friend. They go to each other for advice when they have problems, and they are constantly showing affection to each other in sweet little ways.
Although they love each other unconditionally, Rob and Laura are by no means perfect. They have their arguments, like any couple would, but they put effort into resolving them. They try to never let their son Ritchie see them argue, and if he does, they always say they are having a “discussion” or something along those lines. They don’t want him to worry about their relationship.
Today, the portrayal of such of relationship seems extremely rare. It’s not very dramatic or glamorous, and it probably won’t make people want to flood the theaters to see it. However, it’s steady, and for the most part, unwavering. It’s the kind of relationship the world needs more of. I think the world would be a better place if there were more couples whose affections remained constant while placing importance on the example put forth for their children.
Rob and Laura may not be perfect, but I think they are a good example. One day, when I find the man that God has for me, I hope that our relationship can be like that of Rob and Laura, filled with love, trust and steadfastness.
Graphic by Maggie Exum