If you haven’t heard of “Among Us,” the mafia-like video game that has taken Generation Z by storm, you obviously haven’t heard that the earth is, in fact, round and that the sky is—surprisingly—blue.
A game that tests your social and strategic skills, “Among Us” is a murder mystery game that takes place on a spaceship. There are four to 10 players in each game—all supposedly crewmates that have to fix the ship through various tasks—but one or two are “impostors”. Impostors look just like the other crewmates, but their task is to finish off the rest of the crew without anyone discovering their secret. The crewmates must either finish all their tasks or find out who the impostor is to win the game.
Admittedly, “Among Us” isn’t necessarily the most aesthetically pleasing game out there. Each user’s avatar is a shapeless, armless astronaut (except when you’re the impostor, and you suddenly have hands) that boasts one of 12 colors.
Your choice of color in an “Among Us” game immediately lends itself to a multitude of stereotypes. So, today I will be conducting an in-depth investigation into the psychology and gameplay of each color. Backed by the thorough research of my personal opinion, here is what your go-to “Among Us” color says about you.
You are the epitome of sus. Either you’re a newbie player and liked that red was on the app’s logo, or you find satisfaction in getting people to vote you out—even when you’re a crewmate—just so that your team will lose. Also, you definitely follow people around in electrical just to mess with them. Don’t be sus. Don’t be red.
You are an A-tier impostor, but you are (seriously) the worst crewmate. You tend to type in all capitals in the chat and blame anyone who stood at the admin swipe a second too long. You normally end up getting voted out after two meetings because you blamed too many people.
Dark Green
You are the scapegoat. You do your tasks at light speed so that you can go and watch cams, but the second it comes down to the wire on a vote, everyone blames you for some reason. They always ask, “Where was dark green?” It’s never, “How is dark green?” Sad. Really sad.
You are the Karen of Among Us. You’re definitely the person to leave the game in the first minute because you didn’t get impostor. Like blue, you play the blame game and get everyone voted out; however, unlike blue, no one is smart enough to vote you out after you have falsely accused three different crewmates. You lose the game for everyone else because you’re too busy trying to get the glory for yourself.
You’re the impostor that isn’t necessarily good at being impostor; you’re just so overlooked that no one notices how bad you’re playing. Your favorite thing to do is mess with the switches on the lights in the electrical. You’ll probably vent in front of somebody at some point, but they’ll be busy with a task and not notice. You also tend to go by the literal name “orange” and wear the leaf hat to consolidate your aesthetic.
You are the “Among Us” Angel. You always find a buddy to walk around with, and you will give people a chance to defend themselves in the chat before they’re ejected. But if anyone unjustly blames you or your partner, you will literally cut them. I’m talking an all-caps-in-the-chat type of rage. Seriously, no one wants to cross you.
You are the best player out here, hands down. As a crewmate, you are the lead investigator and dictate votes based on logic and gameplay. As the impostor, you are perfect at faking tasks and getting crewmates alone in electrical. Everyone automatically assumes you’re sus to begin with, so you have a lot to overcome; however, you still pull off wins with everything piled against you. Way to go, black.
You are the quiet killer. You only speak in the chat when spoken to, and when you do talk, it’s only to act surprised that “Oh, so many people died haha” and mention, “Wow, they killed in electrical again?” You’re always the last one to vote, and you make everyone go insane waiting an entire minute for the vote to go through. You normally get found out when you don’t respond to accusations quick enough.
You are impostor almost every time. If I don’t know who to vote, and I just randomly vote purple, nine times out of 10 I’m going to be right. You also self-report way more than you should and claim you were in Medbay when you were definitely in electrical with two bodies.
You are that middle schooler that swears in the chat so they can look cool. Also, someone probably took your normal color, and you didn’t have time to switch before the game started. You stand by tasks for way too long, and for some reason you always wear the plague mask (more on this later).
You are the crewmate detective. You get the how, when and—most importantly—where of the situation and let accused crewmates defend themselves. As the impostor, however, you will either kill everyone without getting a single vote the entire game, or you will vent in front of four different people in a matter of five seconds. No in-between.
You are the invisible crewmate. Seriously, no one sees you in the game or in the chat unless someone refers to you by a name other than lime (think light green, green, etc.). If someone doesn’t differentiate between you and dark green, you will come for them in the chat to make it known that lime deserves primary color rights. Similar to orange, you also go by the name “lime” and wear the leaf hat to reinforce your authenticity.
Bonus Section: Hats/Extras
Plague Mask
You are the impostor literally every time, especially if you are black, purple or brown. The second I see anyone walk in a room with me with one of these bad boys on, I am immediately out of there—no question. As if all these colors weren’t sus enough already.
You are a tween girl. You wear the flower to act super innocent, but you actually use it to mask that you’re a cutthroat impostor. Don’t trust the flower.
Mini Crewmate
You are a try-hard. You totally got the mini crewmate to flex the fact that you spent money on a free game. Either that, or you’re just a sucker for the little guy because who’s kidding, he’s adorable.
Of course, there are always exceptions to the rule, but this is my expert opinion—based on the vast amount of experience I have in the “Among Us” community—on which colors fall into what behaviors.
Perhaps a snappy nursery rhyme will help you remember what to do when you feel you have no other options:
If you don’t know
who to vote, or who to trust,
always remember:
Red is sus.