First Intramural Ping Pong Tournament

Table Tennis Ball and Bat

The Department of Campus Recreation at Union University will host its first intramural ping pong tournament in the Bowld Commons Gymnasium. The date, although postponed, is still to be determined after Union reopens from the snow closures.

“I think intramural ping pong has been a success up to this point,” said Daniel Yurov, campus recreation graduate assistant. “Campus Recreation is always looking to improve and become more efficient in our sport offerings, and I think ping pong is not only popular, but also opens the door for individuals that prefer more technical sports over other opportunities.”

Campus Recreation chose to add ping pong as an intramural sport this semester for a couple of reasons according to Yurov. Ping pong creates variety among the other intramural sports that Campus Recreation offered in the fall, such as sand volleyball, spikeball and softball. Additionally, the nature of ping pong does not require physical contact, which is a key consideration due to COVID-19.

“I’ve always liked playing ping pong,” said Caroline Hinrichs, a junior English major who has been regularly involved in different intramurals at Union. “But there wasn’t that many people to play with, so I’m just excited to get out there and have some competition.”

The tournament, originally scheduled for Feb. 16, is postponed due to inclement weather conditions forcing University closures. Campus Recreation plans to host the tournament soon after the University reopens but has not set a date yet.

“I think the tournament will be a lot of fun and I hope everyone enjoys participating,” Yurov said. “We’d love to have other students come out to watch their friends (keeping within Union University Covid Policies, of course) and cheer them on.” 

More information about Union University’s intramurals is available on the Campus Recreation Instagram page @uucampusrec or at their office on the west side of the Penick Academic Complex. To receive regular updates about Union’s intramurals, go to Union University on the schools tab at and create an account.