“I’ll never forget the first time I bounced out onstage,” said Kristin Klonowski, adjunct professor of theatre. “I was the little heroine in my little purple and white dress, and I went flouncing out there in my skirt and did a curtsy.”
When Klonowski was 10 years old, her mom signed her up for a summer theatre production to keep her from sitting around at home. Little did either of them know that this would set small, shy Klonowski on a path to her purpose in life.
“I always thought I would be a teacher because both my parents were teachers,” Klonowski said as we sat in her small, cozy office in the back of classroom D-8.
From the moment young Klonowski stepped out onstage that first summer, however, her parents recognized the talent and passion in their daughter. In late high school she was encouraged by her parents to pursue a degree in acting, not teaching.
Although Klonowski has no degree or certificate in education, teaching is something she has always had an innate sense for. She went back to school to get her master’s degree, so teaching theatre would be an option in the future.
In graduate school, her love for guiding others through scenes was put to use through the theatre productions she was in. Her capability for directing people is evident to others. In her master’s program, her peers would seek her out and ask for feedback on their work.
“I was always teaching,” Klonowski said.
Klonowski’s experience as an actress is one of the reasons she is a good professor. She remembers what it was like to feel shy and uncertain about getting up in front of people.
“I think some of that is always there anyway, no matter how experienced you are. There’s always a little bit of that ‘Oh my gosh, is this gonna look really stupid?’ and the answer is yes,” Klonowski said with a laugh. “And that’s okay, it’s supposed to!”
This is something Klonowski says often, as anyone who has taken a class with her knows. She practices what she preaches, though. I can attest to this as one of her students. In Advanced Acting, which also happens to be her favorite course to teach, we all got on the floor, crouched and yelled as part of an exercise. Mrs. K (as all of the theatre folks call her) was right there doing the exercise with us!
Her humor and empathy put students at ease, and she works hard to create a safe and encouraging atmosphere in every class. The students in her classes quickly learn to be kind and helpful to their peers. Teaching her students to build others up helps new, shy people feel welcome and learn well. The students who have been around for years also benefit from the knack Klonowski has for blending her passions of teaching and theatre.
“One of the things I adore about her is her multitude of talents and versatility and her ability to do all of them at once with such kindness, patience and professionalism,” said Isabella Gray, junior communication studies major. “She’s such an inspiration to me, and I’ve learned so much from her while being part of the theatre program.”
Kristin Klonowski loves theatre, and she loves her students. Her infectious passion drives Union theatre students to be passionate as well and helps them become better at their craft. She is at home at Union because the environment here allows her to be completely open about faith and the arts. The students in her classes are reminded to stand true to who they are and not give in to the temptation that always comes in the theatre industry.
“It’s just a true gift that God’s given for me, this passion for both,” said Klonowski. “I found my place, and I didn’t even know it until I was there.”
Photo By Maddie Steele