On Wednesday, Sept. 15 at 9:30 p.m., the Union University Student Government Association reconvened senate in the G.M. Savage Memorial Chapel to pass one bill and two resolutions, including resolution 200-30 which requested that “professors at Union University would provide more comprehensive feedback on end of semester assignments.”
Junior council senators Merry Ashlyn Gatewood and Josiah Mancha presented resolution 200-30. Student Activity Council senator Zachary Bitterling objected to a motion to close debate in order to ask the sponsors a series of questions.
“I asked if the new regulations would result in an earlier due date for the final projects,” Bitterling said. “I thought it was wise to clarify whether we were supporting less time to complete our homework.”
Several senators also asked questions regarding the necessity of the legislation, the cause of the issue and how the resolution would be enforced if passed. Following Gatewood and Mancha’s answers, the senators voted on and passed the resolution.
As the meeting was the first with freshmen senators, SGA Executive President Grant Gammon gave a brief welcome speech before calling senate to order and advising the freshman council on how to make the most of their college experience at Union. Gammon also recognized the “Free the Smile Resolution” as the best legislation of the spring semester.
Student Ambassador Steve Williams gave updates on the outcomes of certain resolutions passed in the previous year, including a new addition to the Brewer Dining Hall. Students may now donate extra meal swipes to a swipe bank which may be used by students who need more.
In addition to the swipe bank, Williams announced that picnic tables have been scheduled to be placed in every quad, and that the Amazon locker located in the Lexington Inn will be replaced by university-owned package mailboxes. It will be accessible after hours and will not be affiliated with Amazon.
The night progressed with clerk Jackson Via introducing legislation for sponsor presentation.
After being tabled the previous week, a re-written resolution 200-28 was presented to the senate. Previously, the resolution requested that one of the printers on the first floor of the Logos be relocated to the second floor for ease of access. It was revised to request a printer on the third floor as well as the second.
When presented to the senate, there were no objections, and the resolution was passed.
Student organization Life139 presented the first bill of the fall 2021 semester. Senators Peter Holmquist and John Putman requested $200 from the senate to go towards sidewalk counseling, blessing bags—which are care packages for women in need—and personalized items for the members of the organization. The bill was passed without objection.
With Life139 receiving $200, SGA now has a budget of $3,400 to disperse among other organizations.
Student Activities Council president Madison Grohler presented the senate with details of the organization’s plans for the upcoming Union event, Family Weekend.
After SGA Vice President of Administration Samuel Eudy presented the guidelines for attendance expectations of senators and the process of expulsion, the senate moved to adjourn until the next meeting.
SGA senate will reconvene on Sept. 26 at 9:30 p.m. in the Chapel.