Union University’s eighteenth annual Scholarship Symposium was hosted virtually and in-person on April 20, 2021.
Sponsored by the Union University Research Program, the symposium hosts end-of-project presentations and posters for undergraduates and graduates that complete a collaborative and innovative project during the current academic year.
For their submissions, scholars may present a poster and/or a fifteen-minute presentation, with certain degrees requiring a specific medium. Presentations typically cover research objectives, methodology and findings with a 5-minute question-and-answer period at the end.
Grace Ingram, senior zoology major, presented her two-year research project “Development of Plant Regeneration Protocols for the Globally Rare Crataegus harbisonii.” Because the event was partially virtual, Ingram’s family from out-of-state was able to attend and celebrate her accomplishments with her.
“If you have an opportunity to present on any research that you’ve done, just take the opportunity to do it because seeing your hard work come to fruition is really amazing,” said Ingram.
In addition to hard, quantitative research, the symposium celebrated more creative, qualitative research as well. Hannah Cobb, sophomore art major with an emphasis in sculpture and a secondary in painting, presented her body image series titled “Being Transparent with One’s Outward Appearance as it Relates to Society’s Standards for Women.” For her project, Cobb interviewed women about their body image while taking photographs and turned those photographs into sculptures or paintings. Cobb described her research as a positive process that helped her connect with others and share a personal and important message.
“I think doing the Scholarship Symposium helps you process your work more, especially if you’re younger, so you can further your research later. I think it was also really helpful for me to see that I could actually present in this way,” said Cobb.
This year’s symposium had over 30 presenters from the art, biology, business, chemistry, communication arts, engineering, English, intercultural studies, nursing (graduate), pharmacy, physics, psychology, sociology and theology and missions disciplines.