Students gathered in the Harvey auditorium on Thursday, Oct. 20, at 5:30 p.m. to watch a panel of artists display and discuss their ekphrastic art pieces, a collection titled “Makom: Ekphrastic Responses to Marc Chagall’s Visual Representations of the Bible.”
Marc Chagall’s “In-dwelling,” which was previously on display at Union’s art gallery from Sep. 6th through Oct. 10th, and “Makom: Selections from Marc Chagall’s Prints of the Bible,” which is on display from Oct. 17th through Dec. 2nd, were among the works that artists chose from to create their ekphrastic pieces.
Professor Haelim Allen sees the event and display of Chagall’s work as beneficial for the region as well as for Union.
“It was such a wonderful opportunity for us to be able to share in the celebration of the beauty of God and to share that with our community,” Allen said, reflecting on the response to the exhibit. “It’s many folds in terms of engagement celebration, as well as the generative spirit that would hopefully invite others in the community to share.”
The evening began with a brief introduction from professor Haelim Allen, an associate professor of art and the organizer of the event. Joshua Veltman, professor of music history and literature, then presented his work “Chagall and Britten on Abraham and Isaac.” The piece was a digital video in which Chagall’s lithograph “Abraham Preparing to Sacrifice his Son, According to God’s Command” was displayed on screen next to a musical staff that displayed an original musical composition by Veltman.
A poetry reading followed by artist James Cherry, professor Patricia Hamilton, professor Joy Moore, and artist Whitney Ross. Each poem was written as a response to a Chagall piece. The panel ended with an original musical composition by Cody Curtis and a period where students could ask questions of the artists.
A reception at Barefoots Joe followed the panel where artists and students enjoyed refreshments and were able to discuss the art in further detail.
“(Art) gets us in touch with our humanity. It helps us understand … that we have more in common than we do our differences,” James Cherry, artist and Union alumnus, said. “So hopefully this exhibit — you’re judging by the reception, you know — it has the ability to bring people together. And hopefully, it will have the ability to inspire someone else to write or paint or even create music or dance or whatever.”
Art from “Makom: Ekphrastic Responses to Marc Chagall’s Visual Representations of the Bible” can be viewed on the third floor of the Logos Libary and in Barfoots Joe. It features art from Haelim Allen, Aaron Benson, Zac Benson, Caleb Booth, James Cherry, Cody Curtis, Rosemarie Doumitt, Rebecca Edgren, Renee Emerson, Steve Halla, Patrica Hamilton, Katie Howard, Joy Moore, Chris Nadaskay, Whitney Rio-Ross, Kayla Stanz, Joshua Veltman and Paige Ward Moore.