The Student Government Association of Union University is currently conducting its class officer elections through Thursday, April 28th.
Students are running for the president, vice-president, treasurer and secretary offices for their respective classes. If elected, these students will be the leaders of their class councils, representing their whole class in presenting legislation in senate, planning events for the university, and attending SGA meetings, among other duties.
This year, only two races are contested: the races for senior class president and sophmore class president.
The two candidates running for senior class president, Nicholas Bitterling and Merry Ashlyn Gatewood, have each been involved with SGA throughout their college careers and hope to continue their involvement through this position. Among the other duties, the senior class president helps represent the class by deciding on a gift to present to the university.
“I think I have a real heart for the lives of students on campus and the future experience of those not even here yet,” said Gatewood. “Going forward, I would love for more students to realize the power they have to be a difference-maker.”
“I think Christ gave us the ultimate example of servant leadership throughout his life,” said Bitterling, “and I strive to lead in a way that reflects and glorifies him through the way I interact with the people I’m leading and the quality of my work…when you take a step back and gain a larger perspective, you can see that all of the small changes SGA advocates for really add up and make students’ time here at Union more enjoyable and more beneficial to them, and I wish students could see that.”
Class officer elections are overseen by SGA attorney general Micah McGee. McGee’s duties include ensuring that the elections are conducted in a way that upholds the SGA Constitution and being available to candidates by answering questions or assisting in other ways to help them as they campaign.
In addition to Gatewood and Bitterling, nine other candidates are running for office this year.
Jessica Bogle is running for senior class vice president, while both Danielle Popson and Sarah Beth McGee are running for senior class treasurer. Additionally, Prabhabi Aghamkar is the candidate for junior class secretary. Hoping to represent the sophomore class are Emma Coykendall, Dannie Harrington and Preston Nabors for the role of class president. Mattie Washington is up for sophomore class vice president. Last, Mary Scott Tritt is the candidate for sophomore class secretary.
Some positions have been left open, as no student committed to run for that particular office. It is yet to be determined how those positions will be filled.
“It’s okay and even good to have questions and criticisms about the things to which we belong,” said Gatewood. “It shows we care — but I believe we should always be trying to channel these concerns in a positive direction.”