We all have that one show that no matter how many times we have watched it, we always seem to hit play. It’s kind of like it runs away with our worries. It fills some sort of void.
I am not going to lie, I have several different comfort shows. I guess they each serve a different purpose for special moments in my life. At the moment, I seem to constantly find myself watching “Gilmore Girls.”
It’s a show about an iconic mom and daughter duo: Lorelai and Rory Gilmore. From the first moment, you are welcomed into their small piece of the world called Stars Hollow. Here you meet their friends, who are more like family, and the places that they call home.
In Stars Hollow, everyone treats each other like family. They help like brothers, give solid advice like a grandparent and know everything about you like a sister. In that town, everyone knows everyone.
That is where Rory’s childhood was, and where Lorelai did a lot of growing up. While watching the show, I felt like a part of me grew up with them.
Surprisingly, it took me a while to watch the entire series. I started the show in high school and did not fully finish until I was a sophomore in college. A lot of life happened in those short few years, and the weird part was my life ran kind of parallel with Rory’s.
I watched as she moved from high school to college, as I did the same thing. I felt the pain of her first break-up and the moment she realized she would be okay. I knew what it was like to pick up everything and start over because I did that too. I found so much comfort in this show, in knowing Rory struggled too.
Some days, I could not wait to get home, jump in my bed, grab my favorite blanket and hit resume. A part of me longed to step into the slower pace of life as lived in Stars Hollow.
I guess that is the beauty in a comfort show — even if it is just for that moment in time, you get to escape and feel like you are part of a different world.
“Gilmore Girls” is available to stream on Netflix.