Union University’s Reslife hosted Trivium and the Final Race in the Bowld Gym at 7 p.m. on Jan. 23 where Ayers 2 took home the Union Cup.
Notable events such as the Half K, Chomped and Find the Cup led up to Trivium and the Final Race. Students filled the Bowld gym, ready to compete.
The night began with Trivium, in which Watters 2 and Grey tied for first place. After Trivium, the Resident Directors counted the votes and announced the five buildings advancing to the Final Race.
When the Final Race started, Ayers 2 was in fifth place, but as the Final Race advanced, they eliminated their competition one by one. The Final Race was not their first victory.
“We won [the Half K] which was insane,” Anna Swindell, a junior communication studies major and the Resident Advisor of Ayers 2, said. “We had a lot of athletes, and we did really well.”
Craig, Grey and Ayers were the top three buildings to advance to the Final Race. The girls in Craig showed up in green shirts to represent their dorm, and they finished in third place.
Grey and Ayers 2 advanced to the final round which was a human battleship game. In the event, five representatives from each building stood in battleship squares and when a square with a person was picked, that person was pied in the face.
“I’ve kinda known my building was awesome all year, so I’ve had a winning mentality,” Swindell said. “I was just here to have fun and enjoy time with my awesome residents and win.”
The boys of Grey lost to Ayers 2 in the final round. The night finished with Ayers 2 celebrating.
Ayers 2 received $500 to treat the building to a meal of their choice and sweatshirts to commemorate their victory.