I was walking into an Olive Garden when Billy Joel’s first ever single, “Piano Man,” was playing on the overhead speakers. The only verse I knew was, “Sing us a song, you’re the piano man…” It was the only verse I could remember.
That’s it. That is all I ever knew of Billy Joel.
It was years later when I found out that Joel sang this catchy song and every time I hear the famous lines of the “Piano Man,” I can’t help but remember that night in Olive Garden, eating stale bread sticks.
Billy Joel only knew what it meant to touch the keys of a piano. His father was a classical pianist and his prideful mother just wanted him to be successful. He was.
Over time, Billy Joel recorded 12 albums, received five Grammy awards, had a total of 18 Grammy nominations and was inducted into the Songwriters Hall of Fame. He was all things successful.
So, why did he stop?
Billy Joel walked away from music nearly 17 years ago for unknown reasons. There are rumors and nothing more. There were also deep feelings of not being good enough and anxiously waiting for inspiration to arise, which took Joel into a downward spiral and it was no longer fun for him to sing/write music. And I am sure we all have been there in some form or fashion in our lifetime.
On Feb. 1, 2024, Billy Joel came out of hibernation and released a new single titled, “Turn the Lights Back On.” This song is about returning to a slow-burned love of his music. He released what I hoped would have been a top charts song, but I was unfortunately not ecstatic about this new single of his.
It did not feel the same as it did when I first heard, “Piano Man.” But I think that it is okay to not feel the same. It wasn’t about if I loved or hated the song, it was just about Billy Joel and his return.
His songs are a deep dive into his personal life. They are heartfelt and intertwine his personal emotions and experiences. For example, “Just the Way You Are,” is about his first wife. “Scenes From an Italian Restaurant,” is dedicated to his childhood and growing up.
Personally, “Piano Man” will remain number one on my list of Billy Joel songs.
As for Joel, this song came about from his family doctor who later introduced him to his future songwriting partner Freddy Wexler. Wexler helped Joel find his spark for music again. For Joel, this song was for recreating what used to be, in hopes that he was not too late in making a comeback in the music industry. He shows this in the lyrics of his new single.
“I’m late, but I’m here right now and I’m tryin’ to find the magic…”
“Yes, I’m here right now, looking for forgiveness…”
“Did I wait too long…to turn the lights back on?”
This new single compellingly asks listeners and fans for forgiveness as well. Forgiveness in waiting so long to provide a powerful tune that would allow us a glimpse into his life.
Billy Joel’s songs bring a certain nostalgia to everyone in some way. Whether it’s reminiscing on childhood activities, dancing in the kitchen with your significant other or the nights you sit at the sticky Olive Garden table, it is a memory for everyone.
Though it is 17 years later, Billy Joel still succeeds in creating deep, personal, music. Though it may not be what we wanted or expected, it still conveys a personal message for him, and that is all that truly matters. It is not really about us listeners, but about Joel finding and re-sparking the love he first had for music.
So, yes, turn the lights back on.