Logorrhea 210: The One With A Whole Lotta Spunk
In this episode of Logorrhea, Katie Chappell and Clark Hubbard ask Michael Cera to be in their film, discuss the 51st state to be added to the US, and Katie mocks all of Clark’s tastes. […]
In this episode of Logorrhea, Katie Chappell and Clark Hubbard ask Michael Cera to be in their film, discuss the 51st state to be added to the US, and Katie mocks all of Clark’s tastes. […]
In the first episode of 2019’s Spring, Liz confuses Tom Cruise for Ted Cruz, Korey sees Gordon Ramsay in a vision, and we all learn what the most dangerous bush is. Art by Isaac Hubbard.
This is a guest article written by Ben Johnson, junior marketing major. 2018 gave us songs about heartbreak, euphoria, self-love, self-hate, childhood, aging, anxiety, boredom and getting dumped at Taco Bell (if you don’t believe […]
In a season 2 first, all four of Logorrhea’s main hosts––Clark Hubbard, Katherine M. Chappell, Liz Caldwell, and Korey Adams––are together. Come and join them.
There’s something fun about secret societies. The hushed passwords, arcane handshakes and blood oaths are about as good as it gets. They’re romantic in a certain way, but the main draw is probably their secrecy. […]
You can tell a lot about a person by how they treat pets and the geriatric. If they’re kind to senile shells of humans and pets, then chances are good that they’re a decent person. […]
In this episode, Katie talks about giving birth to Kurt Russell, Liz studies for the college mathematics CLEP test, and Daniel Patterson joins us for a sweet, sweet cameo.
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