PERSPECTIVE: The Best Restaurant in Jackson
It’s 11:30 in the evening and your stomach growls. So you hop in your car (because who wanted the two-day old Chinese leftovers anyway?) and go for a ride. You pull up to 1921 Hwy […]
It’s 11:30 in the evening and your stomach growls. So you hop in your car (because who wanted the two-day old Chinese leftovers anyway?) and go for a ride. You pull up to 1921 Hwy […]
Senate came to order Wednesday night at its usual time with a solid gavel strike ringing out from SGA Vice President Matthew Grove’s lectern. This session marked the end of the school year, and the […]
Blank Slate Improv is closing out the semester with an improv show featuring Samuel W. “Dub” Oliver, president of Union University, on May 6 at 7 p.m. in the W.D. Powell Theatre. Oliver has performed […]
On Thursday, April 6, students at Union University hosted the first-ever West TN Global Engagement Forum, a conference dedicated to exploring social issues on a local and global scale. The conference consisted of various presentations […]
On Wednesday, March 15, the third Senate session of the semester began quite normally with the distinct sounds of a gavel striking wood and an auditorium of students quickly growing silent. Two pieces of legislation […]
As an answer to what I know everyone was going to ask, here is an introduction to what my mom listens to, i.e. The Cure. This (along with a Flock of Seagulls album which also […]
Martin Scorsese’s recent film “Silence” will be shown on Union University’s campus in Barefoots Joe on Friday evening at 6:30 followed by a faculty panel and discussion. The film, released this past January, is an […]
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