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Up from the ashes

Ten years ago, smoke rose from the gaping chasm in the New York City sky­line. For a long time after, the images and memories of Sept. 11 left a gash in the psyche of anyone old enough to understand the tragedy. That day’s indelible imprint — one that has shaped so much in the decade since — left perhaps the most strik­ing effects on those of us who came of age in an era of terrorism, fear, para­noia and war. […]

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Union ‘Bucket List’ necessitates action

While filling out job application after job application, I realized that for the last three and a half years I have focused on how Union could prepare me for the future. And somewhere along the way I lost the beauty of what Union could offer for my present. This realization lead me to an idea that would become known as my “Union Bucket List” — 25 things that every Union student should do before graduation.