Out Sick: The Movies And Shows That Heal Us
Do you have any go-to cures when you’re feeling sick? Some people swear by a home remedy that their moms taught them growing up or follow a specific regimen that always seems to speed up […]
Do you have any go-to cures when you’re feeling sick? Some people swear by a home remedy that their moms taught them growing up or follow a specific regimen that always seems to speed up […]
The Transformers are back on the big screen. It’s only been a little over a year since we last saw them — but this time, things look a little different. While in the past the […]
There aren’t many words that can accurately describe the times we are living in right now. Routines have been uprooted, jobs relocated and lives changed. As college students, the trajectory of our average day has […]
The Super Bowl is a classic time for people to gather together in a communal setting. People are most often willing to watch for one of two reasons: the game or the commercials. Through the […]
It was February 2017. I was a senior in high school. I was on Union’s campus for a Scholars of Excellence weekend. I had no idea what I was doing, but this was the weekend […]
Braving the pestering mosquitos and humidity, hundreds of students gathered in the Watters’ lawn to watch “Avenger’s: Infinity War” on a massive blow-up movie screen this past Saturday. Students brought along blankets and pillows as they […]
Martin Scorsese’s recent film “Silence” will be shown on Union University’s campus in Barefoots Joe on Friday evening at 6:30 followed by a faculty panel and discussion. The film, released this past January, is an […]
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