Looking For Openings In Every Experience: Missionaries-In-Residence
I was met with shouts as I stepped off the old travel bus into an even older town. I don’t think Wuxi, China had ever seen a white person before, let alone, a girl with […]
I was met with shouts as I stepped off the old travel bus into an even older town. I don’t think Wuxi, China had ever seen a white person before, let alone, a girl with […]
On Thursday night, Nov. 7, Union University students gathered in the Bowld gym to hear where they would be sent on GO Trips in 2020. GO Trips are trips that give Union students and faculty […]
With the Office of University Ministries wrapping up their last week of Global Focus Month, two missionaries and Union alumni, Jeremy and Rachel Hollie, led chapel on Wednesday, Sept. 26, to inform students of their […]
At Wednesday’s chapel, the student body commissioned the GO Trip teams that will be gone over Spring Break. Chapel attendees prayed over those who are going to be ministering in cities across the nation and […]
When Jesus empowered his disciples with the Holy Spirit, he commanded they take the Gospel to Jerusalem, but also to the ends of the Earth. Global Opportunities Week, held Sept. 13 – 17, gives students the “opportunity to obey the commandment of going,” said Bruce Ashburn, senior Christian studies major. […]
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