Ladies’ Night offers rest and community
This Saturday, ResLife will be hosting its annual Ladies’ Night in McAfee Commons at 8 p.m. on Sept. 2. Ladies’ Night is a free event that ResLife puts on in order to offer a space […]
This Saturday, ResLife will be hosting its annual Ladies’ Night in McAfee Commons at 8 p.m. on Sept. 2. Ladies’ Night is a free event that ResLife puts on in order to offer a space […]
Stand Up For Your Sister is a seminar that raises awareness of common issues that women face and allows women on campus to become vulnerable about their struggles. Monday night, approximately 160 females, students and […]
Another Valentine’s Day spent alone? Fear not—chocolate goes on sale today, and this week’s Music Monday playlist should lift your spirits. Chin up, friend. Singleness is not a curse! I have been single for approximately the […]
How Christians reach and approach the Middle East is the single greatest challenge facing the church is learning how to witness and spread the Gospel to Muslims, Rex Rogers, president of broadcasting network SAT-7, said […]
[wzslider info=”true” lightbox=”true”] Union University is presenting a play about the strength of women faced with death and how they choose to live their lives, said John Klonowski, visiting assistant professor of theatre. “These Shining […]
The way people are represented in media plays a significant role in how they perceive themselves. Stock photography that is used as an illustration in magazines and online is a substantial factor in their perception. […]
Chivalry is dead. All across the country, women are opening their own doors, casual relationships are ignited through social networks, and texting, even when on dates, is the norm. These days, technology has made “dating” […]
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